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Ralf's Comment 6

The ninth column of the divider line preceding an entry usually contains a
classification code (the entry has not been classified if that character is
a dash).  The codes currently in use are:
        A - applications, a - access software (screen readers, etc),
        B - BIOS, b - vendor-specific BIOS extensions,
        C - CPU-generated, c - caches/spoolers,
        D - DOS kernel, d - disk I/O enhancements,
        E - DOS extenders, e - electronic mail, F - FAX,
        f - file manipulation, G - debuggers/debugging tools,
        H - hardware, h - vendor-specific hardware,
        I - IBM workstation/terminal emulators, i - system info/monitoring
        J - Japanese, j - joke programs,
        K - keyboard enhancers, k - file compression,
        l - shells/command interpreters,
        M - mouse/pointing device, m - memory management,
        N - network, n - non-traditional input devices,
        O - other operating systems,
        P - printer enhancements, p - power management,
        Q - DESQview/TopView and Quarterdeck programs,
        R - remote control/file access, r - runtime support,
        S - serial I/O, s - sound/speech,
        T - DOS-based task switchers/multitaskers, t - TSR libraries
        U - resident utilities, u - emulators,
        V - video, v - virus/antivirus,
        W - MS Windows, X - expansion bus BIOSes,
        y - security, * - reserved (and not otherwise classified)

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